Objectives To prevent and counteract early school leaving of children aged 11-14To validate an innovative teaching method in six Italian communities in order to strengthen the motivation to learn and contribute to a fair, quality and inclusive school.To fight against...
Educational drop out
SSaMs – Training Sports Students as Mentors to Improve the Educational Attainment of Boys and Young Men
Objectives: To enhance knowledge and skills of undergraduate sports students to enable them to provide mentoring support for boys and young men who are underachieving at school;To assist in reducing Early School Leaving amongst boys and young men;To support the...
E-COURSE- EnhanCing the ParticipatiOn and Learning Performance of Migrant and RefUgee Children in PRimary School Education
Objectives Enhancing the professional development of teachers in dealing with migrant and refugee learners and diversity in classroomsSupporting schools to facilitate inclusion and success of newly arrived migrant and refugee students, thus contributing to the...
BYMBE – Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education
Provide training tools in support of the work of social workers, teachers and trainers for sustaining young mothers in re-entering education or training for a better access to the labour world.
The project was awarded the status of Good Practice of Erasmus+ by the European Commission and selected as Case Study of Inclusion in Education and Training by the European Commission.
My Idea, My Future – Furthering social entrepreneurship in rural area
Objectives To improve the social and economic situation of young people in rural areas.To promote the innovative model of the so called Living Lab, a structure of non-formal mentorship and the usage of modern technologies with the purpose of informing and educating in...
E-PODS – onlinE PrOfessional Development in Second chance Education
Objectives To promote European integration of professional development of teachers and trainers in second chance educationTo set up an organic and growing database connecting tools, schools, teachers, trainers and beneficiaries Activities Creating a European...
Tell Your Story
Objectives To motivate early school leavers to re-enter lifelong learning and preventing young people at risk to prematurely drop out of school or vocational educationTo explore factors of preventing drop-out rates from school through digital storytelling and digital...
Dire, Fare, Giocare (Talking, Doing, Playing)
Objectives To create new educational approaches based on art therapy and enhance cooperation and exchange of good practices among Europe and Africa in the field of youth.To support youth workers developing new non – formal learning methodologies based on the use of...
CARMA – RMA and other non-formal learning methods for Student Motivation
Objectives To increase student motivation and participation by offering new form of teaching-learning using non-formal approaches to support disadvantaged learners and increase their achievementsTo integrate the RMA as an assessment tool within school curriculaTo...
CAPE – Careers Advice and Pathways to Employment
Objectives To support and improve careers advice and guidance given to young people at risk of Early School leaving (ESL)To enable young people to develop career management skills and make better career choicesTo improve dialogue and activity with enterprises from...
VALLEY – Validation System in Lifelong Learning Experiences of Youth Volunteering
Objectives To provide a new approach to promote volunteering among young people as a resource of personal empowerment.To validate skills and competences developed mainly by youngsters during their volunteering experience.To help young people understand the global...
Tutte le strade portano a scuola
Objectives To limit the risks of early school leaving for young people aged 5 to 16To promote the interest towards technical and scientific disciplines for young people aged 5 to 16To promote the use of innovative teaching methods and the gain of technical and...
DISCO – DIgital Second Chance Opportunities
Objectives To improve the quality of adult education and Second Chance Schools.To mainstream youth and citizens to regular education and employment promoting opportunities in the labour market of European societies.To sensitize teachers and trainers to improve the...
SMART – Second Chance Schools Working with Systematic Measurement of Outcomes
Objectives To develop a quality framework, for use by providers of second chance education that will address the gaps identified by DG EACTo enable providers to evidence their success factors, enhancing the quality and relevance of learning offers in education,...
JOB-YES! Choose a job not a dole
Objectives To contribute to a reduction of number of low-skilled adults by upgrading their soft skills coherent with employment-related key competences needed for successful integration into the nowadays labour marketTo increase motivation of people with disadvantaged...