Training and raising awareness of professionals and social educators to fight and protect children from their exploitation in prostitution.
Child prostitution, or the sexual exploitation of children is a poorly understood and little-known phenomenon. Covering a variety of profiles, social background, nationality, gender and territory, when it occurs, it leaves families and professionals in a bewildered situation. There are no statistics on this phenomenon in Europe and its invisibility or near invisibility among public institutions, social workers and education professionals in Europe, is a major issue. In this context, the sharing of information and awareness-raising initiatives is the starting point for effective action against children’s sexual exploitation.
- To better understand and raise awareness on the phenomenon of the sexual exploitation of children.
- To produce capacity building materials for professionals of the educational community on prevention and support mechanisms to contrast the sexual exploitation of children.
- To enhance the knowledge of professionals in France, Spain, Greece and Italy to contrast the sexual exploitation of children.
- Creation of 3 training modules for professionals of the educational community.
- Training for professionals in France, Spain, Greece and Italy to contrast the sexual exploitation of children.
- Production of kit for awareness raising and prevention of the sexual exploitation of children for professionals of the educational community.
- Production of training kit (module) on supporting minors who are victims of sexual exploitation.
- Production of training kit (module) for minors leaving child prostitution.
- Development of an online platform in 5 languages with training materials addressed to professionals to fight the sexual exploitation of children.
- International report on sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution.
- Research with interactive infographic on the framework of child prostitution in Europe.
- Awareness-raising modules on prevention assistance for professionals of the educational community.
- Training modules on how to support victims and survivors of child prostitution.
- Policy paper to train organisations and guardianship authorities responsible for the protection of minors to raise awareness on the sexual exploitation of children.
- Increased knowledge of the phenomenon in order to change representations and give professionals the tools to support minors in the recognition and protection against sexual exploitation for prostitution.
- Increased knowledge and awareness of the phenomenon of child prostitution among social professionals.
- 120 professionals trained in prevention of the sexual exploitation of children in the youth, social and educational sectors.
- 160 professionals participating in prevention and awareness-raising workshops.
- 80 professionals trained to assist minors to exit the sexual exploitation.
- 90 people participating in the European Conference.
- Pistes Solidaires (Coordinator, France)
- UPV-EHU (Spain)
- CESIE (Italy)
- MEITIS (France)