- To foster the integration of resettled TCNs into their respective host communities
- To contribute to their support pre-departure and post-arrival
- To enhance capacity building in the receiving community
- To promote cooperation and partnership between resettled TCNs and host communities
- Developing content and structure of web blog for supporting TCNs
- Researching of specific needs of resettled TCNs through interviews and focus groups
- Implementing workshop curriculum after a needs assessment involving TCNs
- Researching of needs and requirements of professionals that work with TCNs
- Implementation of tailored seminars and community talks
- Organising panel discussions and partnership fair on volunteering and creating opportunities for TCNs
- Empowering and giving a voice to TCNs through photography workshops, exhibitions and cultural markets
- Web-blog platform with basic information for TCNs on social cultural, job services
- Curriculum, workshops for supporting TCNs and their orientation
- Seminars, community talks with decision makers, teachers, volunteers for working with resettled people
- Community guides for volunteering
- Online partnership database linking resettled TCNs with volunteering opportunities in Community and NGOs
- Photographic workshops, exhibitions and cultural markets to strengthen and give a voice to resettled people
- Coordinator: Sudwind, (Austria)
- PATRIR (Romania)
- Development Perspectives- DP (Ireland)
- CPS – Center for Peace Studies (Croatia)
- Rehabilitation centre for stress and trauma- RCT (Croatia)
- Slovene Philanthropy – SP (Slovenia)