- To improve households’ knowledge about energy saving behaviours and energy-efficient products
- To motivate households to commit to energy-saving actions
- To encourage community-based interactions between households likely to invest in high quality renewable energy products
- To better understand behaviour patterns relative to energy savings in different target groups
- To conduct a set of dissemination actions in view of promoting the STEP BY STEP concept and its implementation by European and local authorities
- Recruitment of 6.300 households by door-to-door interviews
- Elaboration of an “energy saving” Kit
- Elaboration and deployment of the behavioural change strategy and designing of accompany schemes for each energy saving action
- Accompaniment of 5.000 households to suggest energy saving actions
- Creation of databases containing information about: household profile, data related to behaviour change, knowledge about energy savings, electricity consumption, household locations, etc.
- Activity Report 1 summing up the first data about the project in relation to citizens engagement towards energy saving and responsible consumption in the involved cities
- Activity Report 2 about proposed activities and the rate of success in the different partner cities
- Activity Report 3 about proposed activities and the rate of success in the different partner cities
- Activity report 4 with a final overview about results achieved.
- Video Interview with the major of the Cefalù about the participation of the City to the project
- Delivering energy savings of about 12% for at least 6.300 households
- 20% of the accompanied households take decision to purchase energy-efficient products (1.000 households)
- Caused environmental benefits in terms of reduction of CO2, SOx, NOx, VOC and PM emissions
- Produced social benefits in terms of reduction of morbidity and mortality caused by CO2, SOx, NOx, VOC and PM emissions
- E3D-Environnement (France, coordinator)
- Ghent University (Belgium)
- Pro-Akademia (Poland)
- Zentrum Fuer Europaeische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH – ZEW (Germany)
- Agència Energètica de la Ribera (Spain)
- Comune di Cefalù (Italy)
- Città di Ghent (Belgium)
- Città di Varsavia (Poland)
- CESIE (Italy)