- To promote social economy as an effective instrument for national and EU Roma social inclusion strategies
- To promote capacity-building and personalised support for sustainable social enterprise creation in Roma communities
- To provide Roma mediators with the necessary skills for supporting the planning, establishment and sustainability of social enterprises within Roma communities
- To encourage mutual learning, exchange of good practice and collaboration between all relevant stakeholders, with an emphasis to Roma communities, policy-makers, public authorities and NGOs
- To raise cultural awareness through the direct participation of Roma communities and stakeholders
- Analysing and comparatively assess the impact of social economy within Roma communities
- Providing specific policy recommendations at national and EU level
- Generation of practical guidelines and resources promoting social economy initiatives in Roma communities
- Developing a culturally-informed joint transnational training programme for Roma mediators
- Supporting lasting cooperation and establish a Network for Roma Social Economy
- Online consultation of European Commission to set up agenda of the EU Roma Platform
- Mapping Social Entrepreneurship – National Report, Italy
- Needs Assessment Report [national and comparative]
- Practical Compendiums on institutional barriers for social entrepreunership and business ideas, applicable within Roma communities
- Guidelines for Roma social entrepreneurship and Policy Recommendations
- Two ‘train the trainers’ circles (Roma mediators), mentoring with potential Roma social enterpreneurs: mutual and flexible learning (moodle) and 4 training modules
- Mutual learning and exchange of good practices: 6 roundtables on exchange of good practice
- Coordinator: University of Piraeus Research Center (Greece)
- ERIO – European Roma Information Office (Belgium)
- IDEA ROM Onlus (Italy)
- AMALIPE – Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance (Bulgaria)
- AEPMR – Association for Lifelong Learning in Rural Areas (Romania)
- FPC – Fundació Privada Pere Closa (Spain)
- TMAF – Tolerance and Mutual Aid Foundation (Bulgaria)
- CESIE (Italy)