- To promote and support professional and social inclusion of disadvantaged young adults through informal and non-formal activities and notably though sport practice.
- To foster collaboration between the sport movement, companies, public bodies, local actors, civil society and young people on professional and social inclusion of disadvantage young adults.
- To promote volunteering of young people in sport related sector and the recognition of acquired competences.
- To strengthen the capacities, methods, tools and training of the organizations working with volunteers.
- Validating, recognizing and certificating informal and non-formal skills acquired from sport and volunteering activities of 30 volunteers per country.
- Training and supporting 10 sports organizations per country working with volunteers in the promotion and inclusion of disadvantage young adults.
- Offering 3-days transnational training for sports organizations working with vulnerable populations.
- Guide for volunteers including a certification system.
- Toolkit “Train the Trainers” for sport organizations.
- Certification and labelling online platform.
- Impact evaluation report.
- FACE – Fondation Agir Contre L’exclusion (France, coordinator)
- BrainLog (Denmark)
- Growth Coop (Spain)
- LSU – Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas (Lithuania)
- CESIE (Italy)