- Increase the number of people in adult education and improve the quality of theirs, both in own country and abroad
- Improve the mobility conditions of trainers and students
- Improve the quality and quantity of cooperation between organizations dealing with adult education (NGOs, research centers, universities)
- Develop innovative adult education and management practices, encouraging wide application
- Ensure that people on the fringes of society can have access to adult education opportunities, especially older individuals and those who have dropped out of education and find themselves without basic qualifications
- Exchange of network experiences on informal learning for adults
- Collection of best practices of transfer models
- Training needs analysis in each partner country
- Data analysis regarding informal learning opportunities in Europe
- Coordinator: Panepistimio Lefkosias – University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
- Sillogos Goneon And Kidemonon Ekpedeytikou Sigrotimatos “Platon” (Grecua)
- Association Européenne des Expositions Scientifiques, Techniques et Industrielles (ECSITE) (Belgium)
- Kairós Sociedad Cooperativa de Inicziale Social (Spain)
- Labor and Environment Consortium (Italy)
- Aidlearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos Lda. (Portugal)
- Marmara Universitesi (Turkey)
- Irish & Worldwide Adventures Ltd (Ireland)