- To support teachers in acquiring knowledge and skills about the use of multi-sensory technology for addressing the needs of Special Education Need (SEN) children in inclusive education contexts.
- To develop a methodological framework for training teachers based on embodied cognition, research on embodied learning, and the premise of multi-sensory technologies.
- To create a sustainable Community of Practice (CoP) around the INTELed method.
- Development of the INTELEed methodological framework for training teachers on ICT tools and multi-sensory techniques for learning and assessment.
- Educational resources and training events for teachers.
- Assessment of the effectiveness of the method both on teachers and SEN students.
- Promotion of the INTELed method at the partner countries.
- Collecting good practices about the implementation of the INTELed method in classrooms.
- Dissemination of INTELed method at the international level.
- State of the art on teachers’ education and training
- Definition of the INTELed training methodology
- Best practices in applying the INTELed method
- Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus, coordinator)
- University of Valladolid (Spain)
- University of Piraeus Research Centre – UPRC (Greece)
- CESIE (Italy)