- To establish and sustain effective Industry cooperating with University Centres of e-health Innovations (ICU) at some partner universities in Lebanon and Egypt
- To develop a web platform based on Knowledge Triangle, innovation approach to develop and commercialize of e- Health innovative technologies and tools.
- To develop a new integrated professional short term (6 months) and long term (one year) diploma program in e. Health and Medical informatics
- To develop in-service lifelong learning training (LLT) program in the area of e-health innovative Medical/health/IT/ engineering.
- To establish International University-Enterprises Centres of E-Health innovations (CeHI), 3 in Lebanon and 4 in Egypt, for technical, consultancy, administrative, and training support;
- To develop the web platform KTERE for collaboration in development and promotion/ commercialization of Innovate E-Health& integration of this platform with the already existed networks at partner universities and healthcare sittings/ institutions;
- To develop or modernize a new integrated E-Health courses (6 basic modules) for partner universities in Lebanon and Egypt;
- To develop on site and distance in-service training program (4 modules) in the area of innovative E-health for the further utilization of OER (open educational resources) and rich open learning environments.
- The Knowledge Triangle: Education-Research- e-health business web platform KTERE for collaboration in development and commercialization of e-Health innovative technologies and tools.
- New integrated professional short term (6 months) and long term (one year) diploma program in Medical informatics and e-Health (6 basic modules) for partner universities .
- In-service lifelong learning training (LLT) program (4 modules) in the area of e-health innovative Medical/health/IT/engineering.
- On site and distance in-service training program (4 modules) in the area of innovative E-health for the further utilization of OER (open educational resources) and rich open learning environments.
- Establishing of University-Enterprise (UE) Centres of e-Healht innovation (UE-CeHI).
- University-Enterprise Web platform, KTERE for collaboration between universities, health sectors and IT, Engineering companies in development and commercialization of programs in E-Health and medical informatics innovation.
- Study courses and Professional Diploma Program based on ECTS grading scale & diploma Supplement as recommended by Bologna poress.
- UE In-service training.
- Capacity buildings for CeHI centers staff involved at the activities in administrative, consultation, and technical support of E-Health projects/activities
- Linnaeus University – LNU (Sweden), Project Coordinator – Dr. Mosad Zineldi, Professor in Health Sciences, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences – Dep. Medicine & Optometry, Office K2: 2235A – +46 (0)705 502186 , + 46 470 708798, mosad.zineldin@lnu.se
- University of Genoa – UniG (Italy)
- CESIE (Italy)
- Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa – IDM (Austria)
- Tallinn University of technology – TalTech (Estonia)
- Notre Dame University – NDU (Lebanon)
- Lebanese University – LU (Lebanon)
- Beirut Arab University – BAU (Lebanon)
- Modern University of Business & Sciences – MUBS (Lebanon)
- Alexandria University – AU (Egypt)
- British University in Egypt – BUE (Egypt)
- October 6 University – O6U (Egypt)
- Badr University in Cairo – BUC (Egypt)
- Al Azhar University – AZU (Egypt)
- University of Sinai – US (Egypt)
- Assiut University – ASU (Egypt)
- International of Applied Science & Technology – IAST (Egypt)
- LEAD health care consultancy – LEAD (Lebanon)