Implement a reform of the financial management systems of Kyrgyzstan universities that favors greater university autonomy, competitiveness and innovation.
Kyrgyzstan is carrying out higher education reforms geared at complying with the European standards in higher education management. Particular emphasis is placed on the adaptation of the Bologna process and European quality standards in higher education. At present, the transition to three-cycle education has been completed. A national qualification framework has been developed and approved. However, reforms of the universities’ management system so far have not kept pace. In particular, financial management systems are not adequately promoting university autonomy which is a precondition to cultivate innovative and competitive universities. The development of alternative management tools to the old management models increasingly requires the expansion of autonomy in the activities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The aspect of financial independence occupies a prominent place in the system of autonomy of the university. This project is devoted to piloting and expanding new systems of university self-governance and increasing financial autonomy. By means of studying the European partners’ experience with expanding their institutional and financial autonomy, a model for university financial autonomy in Kyrgyzstan will be developed, piloted and evaluated. The project plans are to perform a needs analysis, develop an implementation strategy, develop a model of university financial autonomy, develop proposals for revision of legal regulations in close cooperation with the authorities in charge, and pilot training activities for staff from universities and ministries representatives. The project will study further prospects for increasing the financial, economic independence of universities in Kyrgyzstan, clarify the current, and projected limits of the powers of universities in the paradigm of developed and legally established model of autonomy, project will identify effective solutions to the complex process of financial and economic autonomy.
- Increase the capacities of HEIs and responsible ministries to modernize the HE system, especially in terms of governance and funding, by supporting the definition, implementation and monitoring the reform processes;
- Increase the autonomy of the financial and economic activities of HEIs in the context of economic and labor market globalization, climate and demographic changes;
- Improve the quality of higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic and increase its relevance for the labor market and society, as well as the visibility and competitiveness of universities’ research activities.
- Analysis of the experience of European universities;
- Strategy for the Development of the Financial Autonomy of Universities of a Roadmap for Financial Autonomy and Model of university financial autonomy;
- Development of draft regulations for the financial autonomy of universities;
- Training needs analysis of partner universities administration, policymakers, accountants and teaching staff;
- Study visits in EU partner universities;
- Establishment of Skills Development Centre on HEI Autonomy;
- Training on manuals/instructions development;
- Train the Trainers for Heads of departments, administration of HEIs (deans, vice-rectors, accountants) and for representatives of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Finance, study tours to EU partner universities;
- Extension trainings for universities;
- Seminars and training workshops for Kyrgyz stakeholders from universities, the state authorities;
- Development of the Model Implementation Guide;
- Development of a General Exploitation Plan;
- Plan for financial autonomy at each target university;
- Piloting the model of financial autonomy and risk assessment in the implementation of the model.
- Report on the results of the analysis of the situation on financial autonomy of the universities of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Strategy and Roadmap for Financial Autonomy of Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Draft of Model for the financial autonomy of universities and legal and regulatory acts;
- Report on training need analysis;
- Report on analysis of study visit;
- Skills Development Centre on HEI Autonomy;
- Model Implementation Guide;
- General Exploitation Plan.
- Partner universities will increase their knowledge and competences in financial management;
- Training manuals on financial management developed as part of the project;
- A Model of university financial autonomy;
- A Roadmap for financial autonomy;
- 1 study visit of universities from the Kyrgyz Republic in EU universities;
- Piloting of the model of university autonomy;
- 1 Skills Development Centre of HEI autonomy;
- 1 Model implementation guide agreed by the Ministry of Education and Science and approved by the Ministry of Finance.
- KSTU – Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (Kyrgyzstan, Coordinator),
- DA MFA KR – Uchrezhdeniye Diplomaticheskaya Akademiya Ministerstva Inostrannykh Del Kyrgyzskov Respubliki Imeni Kazy Dykambayevicha Dikambayeva (Kyrgyzstan),
- IUK – International University of Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan),
- IUK – Issykkul State University Named After K.Tynystanov (Kyrgyzstan),
- OshSU – Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan),
- TalSU – Talas Mamlekettik Universiteti (Kyrgyzstan),
- NSU – S. Naamatov Naryn State University (Kyrgyzstan),
- AU – Adam University (Kyrgyzstan),
- ISM – International School of Medicine Institution (Kyrgyzstan),
- AIU – Ataturk-Alatoo International University (Kyrgyzstan),
- AVUZ – Association of legal entities “Association of Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic” (Kyrgyzstan, Partner associato)
- MES KR – Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan, associate partner)
- OVGU – Otto-Von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany)
- CESIE (Italy),
- UNIFI – Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (Italy).