The project wants to explore urban gardening in the framework of youth work – how can it be used for inclusion of young people in the society, for developing employable skills, inspiring active participation of young people and raising awareness on issues of health and sustainability. The foreseen impact of the project is multiple and addressed to different targets: on young people, partner organizations and other civil society organizations. Specific objectives:
- Exchange through mobility and non-formal activities
- Improving employability through acquisition of individual and professional skills
- Networking between partners by promoting capacity building and future cooperation
- Awareness raising about food production, healthier contact with nature and sustainable living
- Enriching the youth work practices with new tools for youth participation and social inclusion
- Kick-off meeting in Beijing, China, on January 2014
- International workshop on Urban Gardening in Palermo, Italy – April 2014
- Creation of 4 Local Urban Gardening clubs (1 in each partner country)
- Local community event in Italy, China and Slovenia
- International Harvest Festival in Accra, Ghana – October 2014
- Urban Gardening Handbook
- 2 online Newsletter
- Digging Deep online community platform of urban gardeners (www.diggingdeep.eu)
- 4 public and 4 private urban gardens
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
- KID PiNA (Slovenia)
- CANGO – China Association for NGO Cooperation (China)
- IYEC – International Youth Exchange Community (Ghana)