CREATE – promoting CultuRE as A Tool to Empower citizens from disadvantaged backgrounds and enhance social cohesion

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  • Harnessing the role of culture as a driver for social cohesion, inclusive recovery, active citizenship and wellbeing by promoting artistic creation and artistic processes as a tool to enhance the social inclusion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, offering them equal opportunities and enhancing their access to culture, recreation and leisure.
  • Promotes innovation in the Cultural and Creative Sector and valorizes artists’ creative processes.
  • Designing and proposing a model for implementing social intervention programmes based on artistic creation and artistic processes with young people with disabilities, with a migrant background and belonging to ethnic minorities.
  • Promotes lifelong and peer learning opportunities to artists and cultural and creative professionals at EU level and to favour the empowerment of young people with disabilities, with a migrant background and belonging to ethnic minorities.


  • An analysis of case studies identifies the main shortcomings and lessons learnt from initiatives related to the use of art for social inclusion purposes.
  • Focus group with stakeholders and beneficiaries: group interviews with direct beneficiaries (young people with disabilities, with a migrant background and belonging to ethnic minorities), members of local communities, experts (artists, cultural and creative professionals, educational practitioners and social practitioners), Associated Partners and public authorities organised in Consortium countries, in order to understand their views and gain a broader understanding of the specific local needs to promote social inclusion through art.
  • Train the Trainers Workshop: collaborative train-the-trainers workshop aimed at sharing knowledge and tips among the partnership.
  • Capacity-building programme: involving a pool of 30+ artists and cultural and creative professionals in Spain, Italy, Lithuania and Greece.
  • CREATE Experimentation Labs: organisation of Experimentation Labs in each partner country taking into consideration the specificities of local contexts and environments.



  • 30+ people including artists and professionals involved in an international capacity-building program
  • 40 participants in the Final Conference of the project
  • About 80 beneficiaries involved in the Experimentation Labs organized at local level
  • 3 electronic newsletters
  • Network composed of more than 3000 youth organizations, social actors, schools, universities, research centers, public authorities and so on


The project

CREATE – promoting CultuRE as A Tool to Empower citizens from disadvantaged backgrounds and enhance social cohesion

Project number

Implementation date

01/06/2022 – 28/02/2025


DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and the DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology



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