Discover GEA initiatives for adults’ environmental education!

Thursday 21 March 2024

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How is the citizen science approach applied in environmental education in different European countries? What is the level of knowledge and expertise in the use of this approach? What are the major environmental challenges perceived by local communities?

To answer these questions and effectively guide the development of the project resources, GEA partners conducted research in 7 different European countries: Italy, Belgium, Greece, Estonia, Germany, Macedonia, Lithuania. By means of desk research and field research (based on online questionnaires, interviews, organisation of focus groups), the partnership involved various representatives of the project target group, i.e. local communities, adult educators, and experts of the citizen science approach.  This enabled partners to come into direct contact with the perceptions and needs of the local communities in the seven European countries under analysis, thus providing essential insights for the development of the online training course for adult educators. The result of this research is a valuable source of information, as it offers useful insights into actions aimed at environmental and climate protection. Our common aim is to provide people with the tools needed to become more environmentally conscious and actively participate in the creation of a more sustainable future. Read the interactive report:

In the following months, project partners will invite 15 adult educators to test the new e-learning programme in each country. Would you like to receive more information on this learning opportunity? Contact Simona Sglavo:

About the project

GEA – Growing into Eco-conscious Adults is a project funded by the program Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation Partnership in Adult education.


For further information

Read more about GEA, visit the website and follow us on Facebook.

Contact Simona Sglavo: