TOLERANT: The integration of trafficked women relies on job search assistance

Wednesday 5 February 2020

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TOLERANT: The integration of trafficked women relies on job search assistance

5 February 2020Migration, News

Which is the biggest problem for those women who want to get out of sexual exploitation?

For most of them the answer is only one: the lack of alternatives, or better, the absence of working opportunities. Needless to say, to be economically independent become extremely hard without a secure job and given that, the risk of being re-trafficked and re-entering a trafficking situation arises dramatically.

Based on these considerations, TOLERANT - TransnatiOnal network for Employment integration of women vicTims of trafficking is a EU project carried out by CESIE together with other five Associations from Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Austria with the aim of supporting labour integration of third country nationals women victims of trafficking for sexual purposes (VoTs).

During our last meeting held in Bucharest between 16th and 17th of January 2020, all project partners worked together to develop and define effective mechanisms to facilitate access of women victims of trafficking to the labour market. In this regard, such meeting gave the partners the opportunity to finalize the Guide for integrated service provision to support access to employment for VoTs aimed at all those civil society organizations, public authorities and service providers that assist and thus deal with VoTs.

As the result of the work carried out in Bucharest, we decided that, following the steps of this Guide, each partner will provide gender-specific specialized service for victims of trafficking in his/her own country for ten months.

In this framework, the project team is going to support the search for training opportunities designed to develop digital, linguistic and soft skills. The creation of an individual integration plan, as shown in the Guide, will be tailored to the victims’ needs instead of focusing exclusively on their competences or qualifications.

In Bucharest we have also fine-tuned the new and definitive version of the Transnational Cooperation Network, an international platform that will enable to exchange experiences and best practices between third-sector associations supporting VoTs. Cooperation as well as communication between these entities will favour a widespread dissemination of effective methodologies to tackle sex trafficking, creating even stronger links between countries of stay and countries of origin.

Work makes woman noble and represents the true alternative to sexual slavery, averting the risk of revictimization.

About the project

TOLERANT - TransnatiOnal network for Employment integration of women vicTims of trafficking is co-founded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union.

For further information

Read more about TOLERANT

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