In this section you can find the TEACHERS 4.0 newsletters: you will find all the information on the progress of the project and the activities that the partners will carry out, step by step.
Vocational training
DIBS – Online Training Platform
It is an open education resource offering training for people with migrant background wishing to develop and/or strenghten their management, soft and digital skills which are key elements in the field of entrepreneurship.
GRECO – Manual of 30 good practices
The GRECO handbook is useful for better understanding job opportunities in the green economy, the potential for generating new jobs in the future, and the related skills required to perform these jobs.
RELIEF – Toolkit for Bioeconomy
RELIEF has developed 5 specialized toolkits aimed at various stakeholders in the agricultural sector. These tools provide detailed guidance on the training offered by RELIEF and the educational methodologies used.
RestART – Policy Recommendations
This video, developed within the RestART project, contains recommendations addressed to EU policymakers, highlighting the specific and common challenges and needs of the cultural and creative sector (CCS) in Europe.
RestART – Good Practices
This selection of good practices brings together exemplary initiatives in the field of vocational education & training that use digital tools for their work in the cultural and creative sector and that serve as practical parameters and sources of inspiration that can be replicated in other countries.
RELIEF – Policy Brief
In this first policy brief, RELIEF’s partners, through thorough analysis, propose concrete strategies to promote a practical, interdisciplinary approach to Bioeconomy education in farming, crucial for the EU’s green transition.
eGreen – Reducing the impact of digital practice on the environment
The specific objective of this toolkit is to support professionals at Vocational Institutes in implementing measures related to green digital transformation.
YOPEVA Entrepreneur – Methodological guide to support work with young aspiring entrepreneurs
This guide helps to guide trainers in developing a sound entrepreneurship training course, through outlined key elements, methodologies, and specific information to create content and deliver the program effectively.
YOPEVA – Course #5: Entrepreneurial excellence
The general objective of this course is to complete participants’ training in Entrepreneurship with some final key components of being/becoming an entrepreneur.
YOPEVA ENTREPRENEUR – Course #4: Develop a business plan
The general objective of this course is to advance the business idea into a formal Business Plan.
DIGITAG – Open educational resources (OER) and new media
The 12 open educational resources were developed around six domains related to digital skills for people working in agribusiness and living in rural areas.
RestART – Digital Gallery
The Digital Gallery is a collection of video tips from cultural and creative professionals for EU policymakers.
DIGITAG – Flexible and modular MOOC
MOOC created for agribusiness professionals who wish to deepen their digital skills in the agribusiness industry.
DIGITAG – Learning scenarios
The main objective of these 12 learning scenarios is to support VET teachers and trainers to improve their skills and competencies, firstly in content creation and secondly in digital pedagogy, by providing comprehensive and practical guidance.