To bring the phenomena of psychological well-being and gender-based violence related to the pandemic period to public attention, the conference Preventing Gender-Based Violence Among Youth in the Post-COVID Era: Let’s REBOOT!’ was held in Brussels.
Online and on-site Final Conference – Let’s work together and REBOOT NOW!
Final Conference REBOOT NOW – Let’s work together and REBOOT NOW!
Bruxelles, Thursday January 25th, 2024
Webinar “Psychological support at school – best practices and promotion”: a crucial initiative for student wellbeing
The webinar “Psychological Support at School – Best Practices and Promotion” highlighted the importance of psychological listening desks in educational institutions to promote youth mental health. Expert interventions emphasized the need to address mental and gender health challenges from a young age by promoting safe and inclusive educational environments. Investing in resources to implement these services should be a priority for educational institutions.
REBOOT NOW webinar on school-based psychological support services: a guide to youth mental well-being
The webinar “psychological support services for youth and schools: an opportunity for the educational community” shed new light on challenges and best practices in addressing issues related to youth mental health and psychological well-being.
The Gender Talk platform: breaking the silence through empowerment
Teachers, parents and students discussed topics such as mental wellbeing, affectivity and sexuality: here is how it went.