Read more about the Metropolis event, where we explored how to promote the rediscovery of local economic and cultural heritage through the involvement of young people.
Rediscovering cultural roots to reshape sustainable form of tourism for tomorrow
With our projects, we want to support the recovery of the sector and contribute to the upskilling of professionals, encouraging the rediscovery of the roots and cultural blends that characterize our heritage.
Metropolis: how can we contribute to the relaunch of post-industrial areas?
We are currently working on a new resource: Metropolis Practitioner Toolkit. It offers a guide for professionals on how to harness digital developments in their work, including instructions on Metropolis City Maps and an analysis of local labour market.
Metropolis: finding new job opportunities while playing with the past
The re-evaluation of local cultural heritage may turn into an innovative method to discover new opportunities in the present. Brain drain has been a serious issue for many areas, such as Sicily, for many years now.
Metropolis: what is the employment potential of post-industrial realties?
Innovative, open digital tools the Erasmus+ project Metropolis aims to develop, in order to foster social inclusion and enhance career opportunities of young people living in areas strongly affected by unemployment.
Metropolis: how can we link our past and cultural heritage to the future?
Il team di Metropolis sta lavorando ad una risorsa digitale innovativa che aiuterà i giovani a conoscere il potenziale occupazionale nelle aree post-industriali riscoprendo l’eredità urbana.
Metropolis: The answer to youth unemployment might be in our past
What can yesterday teach us about tomorrow? The answer to this question is probably going to be different for each one of us, but it certainly set the basis for a new project called Metropolis.