Learning By Doing

Friday 19 October 2012

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Learning By DoingDo you want to develop your skills? Are you looking for learning opportunities? Do you want to be one step ahead in your professional career? That’s it! The best opportunity  you’ve!

“Learning By Doing”  is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci, Transnational Mobility action (PLM)  , which aims to promote the acquisition of both personal and professional skills, for young Sicilian people, in order to facilitate their vocational integration into the Labour Market at local and Community level.

It consists in taking part in a professional training for a period of 13 weeks in one of the following field:

  • craft skills,
  • horticulture,
  • food processing,
  • textiles, clothes, leather, footwear,
  • mechanics and metal work.

And in the following countries:

  • England
  • Greece
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • France

You can select one field and 3 destination countries in a preference ranking.

If you want to submit your application, please send it to rita.quisillo@cesie.org  by 23 November 2012 enclosing:

  • CV in English
  • Cover letter
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