Call: Emotional development across Europe

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Home » In Action » Mobility » Call: Emotional development across Europe

comunicazione emozionaleEmotional development across Europe is a Grundtvig Learner exchange that will take place in Birmingham (U.K.) from 10 to 16 July 2011. It is free, all expenses are covered.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is about knowing yourself and knowing others, then using that knowledge to positively influence your actions and responses.

EI = better communication and better relationships, personal, professional and business

Profile of the participants: This workshop is suitable for those who are…

working with people with challenging behavior (teachers, health professionals, social workers, youth workers)

Parents / relatives of people with challenging behavior, or participants who are interested in human communication / psychology.

People who just want to understand others better and improve their own emotional intelligence.

Workshop methods: Emphasis on interactive learning and fun (!), small group work, role plays, games, problem solving activities, whole group discussions, individual reflection. This is an exciting opportunity to learn about the importance of emotional intelligence and its relevance in personal development. Learn how cultural upbringing can impact upon people’s emotional development. A chance to share with others across Europe your own experiences and to learn from others.

Gain a greater understanding about how to handle difficult behavior.

Recognize the signs of stress and be able to de escalate confrontational experiences.

Gain a greater understanding of others

Improving methods of communication and showing empathy.

Learn about how your personality influences the way you communicate and how this can lead to misunderstandings with other people!

If you are interested send the form to

Deadline 03/03/2011.

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