Sit-in organized by the Anti- Human Trafficking Co-ordination

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Home » In Action » International Cooperation » Sit-in organized by the Anti- Human Trafficking Co-ordination

Coordinamento anti trattaCESIE, always close to trafficking victims, invites you to an event that will take place tomorrow, on Thursday 24th  at 5.00 pm.

The Anti-Human Trafficking Coordination has organized a sit-in in front of Giornale di Sicilia (Via Lincoln 21). The idea is to denounce the way in which newspapers treat this subject, using the word “prostitutes” instead of “trafficking victims”. It’s very important, because a large part of our work is related to the public’s mentality towards this subject.

You can read the open letter to journalists on this link.

Come everybody!

Join the “United for a More Peaceful and Inclusive Mediterranean” video contest!

Join the “United for a More Peaceful and Inclusive Mediterranean” video contest!

Eight organizations from eight Mediterranean countries are collaborating to train youth and youth workers on social justice through nonviolence and human rights. If you are between 18 and 35 years old, enter a creative video on participation, peace and inclusion to win a trip to Rabat in October 2025. Submit your video by June 15 and have your message for a more just Mediterranean voted on!

WITH: empowerment, innovation and sustainability

WITH: empowerment, innovation and sustainability

WITH promotes the empowerment of young women and the improvement of professional skills in the tourism and hospitality sector. During the last week of November, the project held its final meeting and conference in Cape Town, South Africa, marking the culmination of its impactful journey.

EU-CARES and Kamera Photo Lab: a collective reflection on visual storytelling

EU-CARES and Kamera Photo Lab: a collective reflection on visual storytelling

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