Fighting school dropout and underachievement together: join the SCIREARLY dialogic seminar


12 October 2023


14:30 - 18:00
Home Eventi - CESIE ETS Fighting school dropout and underachievement together: join the SCIREARLY dialogic seminar

Early Leaving of Education is a complex educational challenge that deeply affects communities and individuals. Addressing this issue requires the commitment of various stakeholders to find effective solutions tailored to the diverse contexts in which it occurs. It’s a problem that encompasses not only the recovery of those intending to leave their studies without meeting the educational requirements or obtaining a qualification (overt or actual dropout) but also the more challenging task of stimulating participation in school activities and preventing a loss of interest with lower and lower outcomes (covert or hidden dropout – students in school, but mostly disengaged).

While some European countries have made significant progress in reducing school dropout rates, others still face persistent challenges. This highlights the importance of ongoing exchange and the sharing of best practices among nations. For this purpose, the SCIREARLY project aims to identify successful practices and policies in Europe to improve the quality of early childhood education and care (ECEC), primary, and secondary education in communities where school dropout levels remain above EU-established averages, and learning achievements remain sub-standard.

The project’s outcomes will contribute to shaping optimal learning conditions and environments, with significant impacts on future outcomes for students and society as a whole.

To address this critical issue, CESIE is organizing a dialogic seminar, an event for exchange and cooperation to share knowledge, experiences, and ideas on school dropout and to define concrete proposals for improving learning conditions and environments.

About the seminar

When: Thursday, October 12, 2023, from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM

When: DEMS Room at the Department of Political Science and International Relations (DEMS) – Via Ugo Antonio Amico 4, Palermo

Who should attend

  • Policymakers for education and training: policy decisions directly influence the education system. Participate in the discussion on how policies can be modified to reduce school dropout rates.
  • School directors: principals have the power to create a positive learning environment. Join us to share your effective leadership strategies.
  • Teachers and school staff: teachers play a crucial role in preventing school dropout. Share your experiences and best practices for keeping students motivated and engaged.
  • Parents/legal guardians: family involvement is essential for student success. Participate in bringing your challenges and successes in supporting your child on their journey.
  • Students: we want to hear the students’ voices! Share your experiences and suggestions on how to improve the education system.
  • Community education staff: every community member is involved in education. Come and share your experiences in countering school dropout and skills development.

It’s important to involve all perspectives!

During the event, we will explore effective strategies, best practices, and discuss approaches and ideas to improve student outcomes and reduce the school dropout rate. SCIREARLY activities for 2023-2024, which schools can join, will also be presented.

How to participate

To participate, fill out the form below:

Please note that this event is available in Italian only and will take place in person in Palermo. If you wish to participate and require language support to share your experience, please contact us to request assistance. We will be happy to help.

For further information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Alessia Valenti at or by phone at +39 0916164224.

About the project

SCIREARLY – Policies and Practices based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program, Call Inclusiveness in times of changeResearch and Innovation Action.


For further information

Read more about SCIREARLY, follow us on FacebookLinkedinX (Twitter) e Instagram, and visit the web site

Contact Alessia Valenti:

The event is finished.