Contributes to the development of society, innovation and knowledge.
Help develop measures to counter violence and discrimination.
Supports adults in enhancing skills to promote their professional growth and participation in social and civic life.
Promotes intercultural dialogue among individuals from all parts of the world to build bridges of knowledge and sharing.
Promotes quality and efficiency in education.
Supports and promotes educational activities, training courses and mobility projects aimed at young people.
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CESIE ETS is a European center for studies and initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily.
CESIE ETS was founded in 2001 inspired by Danilo Dolci's commitment.
Our projects are supported by many cooperative networks.
New funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027.
Become our partner
Working at CESIE is more than just a job.
The voice of those who seize the opportunity to live and work in another country with CESIE ETS.
Discover our opportunities
Promotes inclusive participatory processes and acts to reduce poverty and educational inequality.
Creates opportunities for economic, social, educational and cultural development through joint work with third countries.
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Are you a primary or secondary school teacher? Would you like to experience how technological innovation relates to intercultural education?
Join for free the RE.MA.C. – Reinventing Mainstream Classrooms workshop.
We look forward to seeing you
on Thursday September 26th, 2024 at 4.45pm
at Parco Villa Filippina, piazza San Francesco di Paola 18, Palermo
You will get access to six manuals with intercultural exercises for use in primary and secondary school classrooms.
We will also offer you a tutorial about accessing the tool – developed with AI – to create innovative exercises.
All this within the framework of the Blended Model that we have developed and introduced at several international educational conferences.
Participation in it is free.
You just have to join us at Villa Filippina on Thursday September 26th at 4.45pm.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
RE.MA.C. – REinventing MAinstream Classrooms is a project funded by Erasmus+, Key Action 2, Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education.
Throughout this project we aim to tackle the challenges and difficulties – language – mainstream teachers face trying to address students’ diversified needs and interests. It is indeed striking that while student diversity increases across Europe, equity is education is no longer guaranteed “by just offering the same teaching and teaching structure to all young people” (World Bank Report on the European Union, 2018). RE.MA.C. aims to address the teaching, learning, cognitive and social needs of a rather demanding educational context, the mainstream multilingual and multicultural classroom, providing equal opportunities for all, using an innovating online methodology.
Read about RE.MA.C., visit the website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Contact Antonina Albanese: